Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Know Your Place . Save Your Future .

As humans, we made mistakes. From the simplest one to the biggest one. My point of view for this post is mistake made by a poor family. Sometimes, when I walked through villages I saw lots of children running and playing around their house compound. Their houses are not that beautiful and not so well constructed, with walls made from tree trunks and a specially-designed 'roof'' using plants, it's surely will put ourselves to the limit. As for parents, many of them had difficulties in supplying foods to their children. This is not a fate. Instead, it is a mistake made by the parents themselves. They should know their place and how much is their wealth for supporting their future generations.

In this part, family planning do play a vital role. Some of the poor families, has children sometimes up to 5 and above. And considering their status of not being so wealthy, it's clearly not a good decision to have so many kids. Unless, if you are very rich, then who might cares? If the parents are poor, they still can live as a 'rich family', maybe they don't live with lots of money like rich people do, but at least they still can live with rich in harmony and with rich of ease without have to burden themselves to find extra money for supporting their children.

A perfect family planning which started from the two main 'producers' will determine the future of the family for eternity. So, when you've grown up and got married, remember, your lust must come second before you ended up being poor. If you have even 3,000 MYR, and needed to raise 5 children, I don't think it's enough. Maybe it's enough, but you'll get less of harmony and don't have chance to buy anything except foods, just to make you stay alive. We want to be a good father and a good mother that can satisfy our children needs.

In everything you do, you should know your place. Thanks. :-)

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Stars Can't Be Seen Without Darkness - PMR Result

My Dear Friends, Brothers and Sisters.

Behind your results, hidden a future you won't know. Hidden a plan from HIM. So, whatever you got, please be proud of yourselves. Compare yourselves with those who have to sit for exams without parents by their sides, those who lost some of their body parts, those who don't have what you have and those who were born handicapped. Remember, their tears are way meaningful than yours. Yes, although those people know they didn't even get 8As, they still know their place and they do have the RIGHT to cry.

See yourselves back. You have parents by your sides, you have perfect body parts, you have all the wealthy, you still can hangout with your friends, you still can do everything. Them? Think again. They are having the darkness time of their life, bear in your mind, if you even failed for all subjects, you still have your legs to keep you moving, you still have the hands to keep you searching for something that will make your life more valuable.

And at least people still look at you. Them? Yes, people do look, but how high is the sincereness of sympathy to them. How many are willing to be friends with them? How many are willing to go for a hangout with them? But look at you, all are possible. And they don't even have Facebook like you do, online friends that will keep you smiling and supporting you (you're a BIG FAT liar if you said that you don't have any). They are fighting for their life to stay alive in this world no matter what. So, why can't you?

'Even diamonds are made under pressure'

'But without the dark, we wouldn't see the STARS'

Dear Friends,

With these Quotes, I hope all of you can gain your courage back.








(Not related but hey, It's Me, Jkjk Hihi)

To those who got 8As (Including me, I'm posting this to myself also), don't be too proud of your results (My result too). Eight is already sounds like an egg. An egg gives a perfect shape like a number zero. So, those who had failed, try to consider it as a restart, IMPROVE yourselves.

-TOGETHER | 9A SPM 2013-

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Freak !

What do you call this? 

N.S.T 20 Dec 2011

This is what that've been living inside the Big School and surely, it'll become a really big termite. Try to imagine if you're holding it right now, feeling its plastic-like body, yucks and look at its eyes, ergh not cute at all >.< This larva was found by Headmaster, Mr Anand himself. Much bigger than an average thumbdrive. This is what eating away at the building and causing all the problems.

It's heartbreaking to see one's alma mater in bad shape, but memories of lessons learnt live on.

Hopefully, there'll be no bigger larvae as well as termites found. :-)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Leadership And Bosship . Leadershit And Bosshit .

Bosship...Because you're either Boss or you're little people. In this world, people have been confused between these two most important aspects. For a negative view of Bosship, a Boss would tell their workers to do something without he/she involving in that particular work. Meaning that, they would never understand how their workers feel towards the works given. They only know how to influence people without influncing their workers' feeling. A good Boss can influence their workers' feeling so that the Boss can give any orders without being stabbed from the back. And the only way to do this, is by joining what the workers are doing, feeling what the workers are having, think and be compromise for what kind of job they have to do. That's a true Boss and Bosship.

How about Bosshit? These group of people are the one who like to give any orders without considering what their workers are feeling, having and doing. They only tell lower people what to do, but don't want to involve in any kinds of works and at the same time, they still want the 'power' to control others. Or should I say, "hunger for power". And that's a Boss who shit on ther lower people, Bosshit to be exact. "When there is Bosship, there will never a Leadership but you still can find the shit" and be just like this person.

We could find Anger as well as Selfish

A leader is the one who will be involved in anything their lower people are doing. A boss would only gives orders, but a leader, he/she will give any orders and put him/herself into the job. Compared to Bosship, it's so difficult to find a true leader. There is a such thing of not a good leader but it's a false Bosship that drives the leader to overtake him/herself. When a leader can't control him/herself from controlling others rights without any reasons, then that leader really deserved a title of Leadershit as well as Bosshit.

A Boss with Bosship would try to achieve success from
 one side (low situation) to the other side
(higher situation) with all 'connectors' that the boss have. Instead of going into a boat and go to the other side alone. And if a Boss do like that, he's a just a Boss with a Bosshit then.

A Leader will keep their lower people stick together, walk together with them and moves forward together, also with them. And that's a Leadership. If the leader walks on his/her own, leaving behind his/her people and going for his/her aim alone, that's a Leader with a Leadershit.  


Try To Avoid .

I don't know what to say. But almost every accidents involving motorcycles. Compared to cars or other four-wheels vehicles, it's safer to ride on 4 rather than 2 wheels vehicles. Seeing the death of someone straight in front of your eyes is not a happy thing, but that's what I saw few days ago. An accident happened between a lorry and a motorcycle. I saw a dead body laying with a white cloth covering his body. Only at the part of his head had a stained 'red color', whether he was wearing a helmet or not, I'm not really sure. You can find the article in Metro Newspaper, 18 Dec 2011.

What I'm thinking afterwards, I'll try to avoid riding a motorcycle as it is a very dangerous with lots of high risks of being knocked down by bigger vehicles, even if the road is slippery and then falling without the helmet, the result will still be the same, or if there a helmet, you still got 'marks' on your body, worse, you maybe broke some parts of your body. Riding a motorcycle needs a lot of alertness, all parts of your body are exposed just like that. This post was suddenly popped out of my mind after seeing the accident. Try to make the best choice. A motorcylce must be the last. Good, but yet not as better, not as safer, not as more comfortable and not as private as a four-wheels vehicle. Or maybe the government should set up a lane only for two-wheels vehicles, then everybody can ride safely without any giants chasing from back and coming from front. Thanks :-)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hey Little Brother . Get Well Soon . Please

F**k off Termites. Go to a place that all of you supposed to be but not here, fool.

"Save The Big School Project"

Surely, this is not your freaking place. Thanks.

It's Worth Waiting .

Many students (including me,haha jkjk) are getting fooled by the word Love, as well as their thinking towards that feeling (for students). A couple (among students) always put on too much hope on their relationship without realising that they themselves were not ready for that. If we view through mental strength, not so many couples could stand with some problems faced during these school days like failing in exams which could put a 'crack' on their relationship. One might think they should stop their relationship and one might think they should go on no matter what happened. But, when two different brains are on the same lane aiming for the same heartbeat, surely one of them would either turn left/right or maybe just stop like that, letting the other one continuing the journey alone, so is it an eternal love? That's the prove that, we are not really ready.

And for loyalty, it's better just to keep it (the feeling) as a secret, until you yourself said it to your very special one. Confessing too fast might get you and your special one stucked in the middle of the road. In this case, friends do play in their role. Why? Because they are the one who help you to send the 'message' by setting up gossips and all that related. It's better just to stay close and never ever lost contact between each other until you found the right time, the most suitable time for you to express your feeling. Maybe your special one already realised about your feeling because of the gossips set up by his/her friends, you just don't have to be in a rush, there is always a time, only you have to plan and decide it well. There is one quote, "When love is Observed, Love is Preserved". Observe your feeling towards your special one, indeed it'll be preserved instead of being in a rush, chasing for something that is not sure yet.

As students, we should realise that our love to someone is already being blocked by a 'plank', not for bad reasons, but for so many good reasons. Perhaps, if there are any 'cracks' on their relationship, at least one of them could get away safely without hurting his/her 'lips' that have been 'connected' straight to the heart. At the same time, patience also play a big role for a true love. Remember, not all things you've to do in a rush. There is a thing that you must do it with patience and it's already in your heart.

Think again. Together we improve ourselves for a better future and no hard feelings. I'm not pointing this post to anyone. Thanks :-)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

28th Asia Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree 2011 .

Months ago, I went for a scout jamboree in Taiwan which was participated by other 28 countries excluding Malaysia (3 Malays from my school, just want to make it clear). Again, Malays were outnumbered. Out of 90 scouts, boys and girls who went for the jamboree, only 5 to 6 scouts were Malays, 3 Indians and other spots were conquered by Chinese. No wonder, if Malaysians consider Indonesia as our rooted language, Chinese also consider Taiwan the same way like we do. I just want to make it short. Since first day of our arrival there, we started with Cultural Night Performance practice. Everybody was without any ideas when suddenly our Scout Leader came up with an idea of "Dikir Barat" performance. And actually, only one Scout Leader who was a Malay and unfortunately the idea of the performance did not come from him and what makes it worse, I had to teach those Indians, Chinese plus the other 4 Malays about the performance. At first I refused to do so,  but I just ignored all my fearness and came up to the front. At this moment, I realised that although the Malays were outnumbered, they still put on respect towards us. That was my 1st moment.

Discussing. Haha .

In a not so serious mode .

See, no one did the same like me jkjk :P

The 2nd one was during the Performance. Wow! That was the first time I sang in front of large crowds and I was totally out of my mind. Haha it was held in an indoor Basketball Stadium (big one) because of the non-stop rain. And bad news again, Malaysia was the first or second country (don't remember) to perform. By that time, I emptied my mind. Haha. The view was really great. All seats were fulled, no vacant. Like a perfect oval, with crowds looking to our left and right sides, to our front-lines and to our back-lines. And we just like a perfect freezed people in a rectangular formation. Luckily, I didn't have to do all the steps as I'm a singer during that night. Hihi. Then, we started performing. And this is my 2nd moment.

Hello everybody! Bla bla bla bla....

Go Malaysia go!! Hihi, me performing .

3rd one, was making a gateaway using bamboos. And ergh, a really tough night. We started at 10pm and finished at 3am without any rests. Everbody was busy making knots, cutting bamboos,holding a torchlight(this is also considered as helping :P) and with high cooperation, we managed to built it within a night. With all sweats and a 'pleasent' body smells (yucks, haha), we went to sleep just like that and still comfortable (except for all girls who rushed into the toilets, all of them! >.< ). Then two days later, wallaa! Malaysia gateaway was on Taiwan Daily Newspaper. And that had gave us a really high satisfication (Y).



My 4th moment was sleeping with a Nepalese scout. I mean staying in a tent during the whole jamboree with a Nepalese scout. His name is Bikesh Lakhe. A really nice guy. He gave us some traditional foods of his country and they taste so delicious. He also was a talktative person although, sometimes we didn't understand what he is saying, but at least we pretended like we do, well just to save his feeling :D Miss you dude.

Setting up the tent .

Some of the Taiwanese Scout Leaders giving explanation to him .

And my final moment was meeting up an Oldboy. His name is Dr Mukhyiddin (Class of '73) who was wearing a cap and he owns a clinic namely "Menara Clinic" in Kuala Lumpur if I'm not mistaken. He holds one of the highest posts in Asia-Pacific Regional Scouts Association. Glad to meet him.

Greeting him upon his arrival .

A group photo of Koleq Boys and Dr Mukhyiddin (Class of '73).

All participants of sub-camp 8

No no, there is one more which ended up like this.

I broke my spect >.<

So many sweet yet painful memories to be remembered. Hope you guys enjoyed reading. :D Thanks!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Students Have To Change For Better .

Malaysia will become a fully developed country on year 2020. In order to achieve that status, Malaysians also have to be developed with advanced skills and excellent in educations. Without any knowledge, then why should we aim for the status? Knowledge is not only focused on academics instead there are many different aspects related to one's knowledge. And to make this possible, Minister of Education had came up with a really strategic system for schools. Many of them, but I just want to mention about SBP System in our country. This system had shown a great success but there is a small, really really small 'virus' that had infected this system and I gladly named it as 'Virus Among Students'. But before that, SBP students really put on high enthusiasm to their respective school and yes, it's a positive tradition. So, how can the virus suddenly appeared? Well, think. Some of the students are too overreacted with their schools and at the same time, these students don't really performed in their school, whether it's on academic or sports and this automatically turns out to be negative. But, for students who already performed in academic or sports or in any aspects and if they do overreacted with their schools, then who cares? And that's a positive way. What I'm trying to say here is, to be proud of something, we should be one of those who had 'created' the 'something'. No use if you proud of your school, but when it comes to examinations, you keep on failing over and over again, and no use too if you don't realise that failing is your weakness and you still wanted to overreact with your school names. I think this should be pointed to all students, not only from SBP. Erm, okay, ignore about the SBP, haha. And one more, about the interactions among SBP Students. Please, be friendly! Don't hold up your school title too tight that you don't want to talk with other SBP Students or maybe other students. 'Without followers, you're nothing' , and if you keep doing this then, how can we make friends and enjoy our life as SBP Students? For example, in a hall, if there are 5 SBPs , each of them wearing shirt of five different colors then why there are also 5 different gathering spots? Why not all of us be friendly to one another? So, a 'rainbow' of peace will appear when all the colors mixed. Haha what the hell I'm talking about. Hope you guys understand. Being a scout really teaches me why we have to be friendly. Unity and friendship are two main aspects in scouts, sorry and peace, so there are 3 of them. See the pics below, although they are chimps but we know which one is better.

 Be like this chimp, be Professional

Don't be like this chimp, Desperate + Jealousy

Thanks for reading. Think again. :D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How The Government Runs A Business ?

Let's "wake up" for a while.

It is the month of August, on the shores of the Black Sea. It is raining, and the little town looks totally deserted. It is tough times, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.

Suddenly, a rich tourist comes to town.

He enters the only hotel, lays a 100 Euro note on the reception counter and goes to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to choose one.

The hotel proprietor takes the 100 Euro note and runs to pay his debt to the butcher.

The butcher takes the 100 Euro note, and runs to pay his debt to the pig grower.

The pig grower takes the 100 Euro note, and runs to pay his debt to the supplier of his feed and fuel.

The supplier of feed and fuel takes the 100 Euro note and runs to pay his debt to the town's prostitute that in these hard times, gave her "services" on credit.

The hooker runs to the hotel, and pays off her debt with the 100 Euro note to the hotel proprietor to pay for the rooms that she rented when she brought her clients there.

The hotel proprietor then lays the 100 Euro note back on the counter so that the rich tourist will not suspect anything.

At that moment, the tourist comes down after inspecting the rooms and takes his 100 Euro note, after saying that he did not like any of the rooms, and leaves town.

No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now without debt, and looks to the future with a lot of optimism.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the Government is doing business today.

Thanks to Uncle Charlie (Class of '71) for sharing this with me.

Think again. Cheers :D 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Formula One Grand Prix Trip 2011 .

Yeah! F1 Grand Prix already here, sorry passed! It was a such a great experience viewing famous racers and supporters from all over the world. Actually, nothing is great by only viewing at someone's achievement, but what makes me feel so memorable being there was my first time of doing rock climbing. I was walking with some of my friends when suddenly I saw a rock climbing area and after seeing that, there was something like calling me to have it a try. Hehe, so I ignored all my fearness to height and went to the registration counter. After writing down my name, then I had to think twice whether I'm really really prepared to do this. As time passing, then my name was called up. And by that moment, my feeling was totally zero or should I say erm, heartless? I said to myself, it's okay, just do it. Hihi xD Wanna see how I handled with it?

 Reaching the top.


Nearly. Hihi.

Wanna know who are these guys? Both wearing whites, Idzri (Koleq Headboy '10, left), Kuda (Form 5 '10) and the one who being interviewed, Ah Chong(Form 5 '10), how about the one in black? Haha, he's the 0812 member (Jenal, Basketballer).

 Actually, I did it twice! Haha.

A really memorable trip. Thumbs up (Y) but sadly, I don't remember who won the race. Hmph, what a shocked to meet again the Form 5 Class of 10' although only 3 of them. Miss them? Forget about it. Haha LOL :DD

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Perak Centralized Training .

"If you can find some fast bowlers, let's see how well the batsmen can handle it", this saying is adapted from a Cricket Documentary Film entitled Fire In Babylon. So, for those who don't know what cricket really is, just continue scrolling. Haha xD Actually, nothing to say but there is a hidden mark that lies behind this game. Just a short explanation, a "bowler" has to bowl a cricket ball and aim for stumps (three standing so-called sticks). If the "batsman" couldn't hit the ball which was bowled by the bowler just now and at the same time, the ball hit the stumps, then he'll be out of the game (the batsman). I went for Perak Centralized Training for U-17 at Kinrara Oval, Home of Malaysian Cricket. There were 2 phases and I attended both of it. During the training sessions, I learnt a lot and some of it did make me realise of my wrongly applied technique in cricket especially on batting skills. Before that, forget about the "hidden mark" I said just now. :P So, the best part of this training was each player would receive some money as allowance. Hehe, don't have to mention about the amount. My coach was a great player, I mean Perak Coach (my school don't have a coach >.< yet*). He already played for Malaysia Senior Team when he was 17-years-old, yup Nazmi Faiz Mansor's partner and his name is Andy. There also, I met Perak Cricket Association President (PCA), Mr Iqbal. These are the main heads for this training program. And below are some pictures during the training.

In Action (Y).

Schedule, pretty packed with different sessions.

In Action, again.
Here it is, the big guys, Coach Andy (in yellow), Mr Iqbal (the other one).

With all the new techniques and skills that I've learnt, I hope to improve more than just pretending that I'm applying the right techniques. And not to forget, out of 11 who went for the training,only 4 Malays, no Chinese and the others? Yep, Indians. But still, as a team, we do understand and respect each other. So, that's all relating to my sport. Thanks for reading. :D

Friday, December 9, 2011

Having A "Brother" . Even Only For A Week .

Hmph, what it's like being an only son? Having a limited sharing place for problems faced and not so talktative, of course whoelse you gonna talk to? Haha, but I'm very pleasure to have a brother even it's only for a while. Actually, if it's not an initiative shown by my school to organise this program, I would never have this once in a lifetime chance to feel how it likes living with a brother. It's a Foster Parents Program in which a family has to take each Vajiravudh College Student living with them. So, as for me, I chose this guy who later be my brother. :D His name is Poom (nickname to be exact).

                                            Me and Poom posing in front of my Aunt's house

                             Guess what? Watching Chelsea against err, I don't really remember,
                                                      but Chelsea did win with a score 2-1 xD

                                        My family was the last to arrive at MCOBA Penthouse,
                                        haha out of nowhere came up this guy, his name?
                                        Dato' Latt(Old Boy himslef), having a wife(TKC Old Girl)
                                        and his son now is studying in MCKK, Batch 1115.

We did many things together and it was so fun. Everything done only involving both of us, yes it was a great feeling although he is from Thailand, but he did communicate with fluent English. Miss you Brother. Till we meet again. Want to know his real name? Haha, try to say "Nutpapon Noikondee". =) Cheers.