Months ago, I went for a scout jamboree in Taiwan which was participated by other 28 countries excluding Malaysia (3 Malays from my school, just want to make it clear). Again, Malays were outnumbered. Out of 90 scouts, boys and girls who went for the jamboree, only 5 to 6 scouts were Malays, 3 Indians and other spots were conquered by Chinese. No wonder, if Malaysians consider Indonesia as our rooted language, Chinese also consider Taiwan the same way like we do. I just want to make it short. Since first day of our arrival there, we started with Cultural Night Performance practice. Everybody was without any ideas when suddenly our Scout Leader came up with an idea of "Dikir Barat" performance. And actually, only one Scout Leader who was a Malay and unfortunately the idea of the performance did not come from him and what makes it worse, I had to teach those Indians, Chinese plus the other 4 Malays about the performance. At first I refused to do so, but I just ignored all my fearness and came up to the front. At this moment, I realised that although the Malays were outnumbered, they still put on respect towards us. That was my 1st moment.

Discussing. Haha .
In a not so serious mode .
See, no one did the same like me jkjk :P
The 2nd one was during the Performance. Wow! That was the first time I sang in front of large crowds and I was totally out of my mind. Haha it was held in an indoor Basketball Stadium (big one) because of the non-stop rain. And bad news again, Malaysia was the first or second country (don't remember) to perform. By that time, I emptied my mind. Haha. The view was really great. All seats were fulled, no vacant. Like a perfect oval, with crowds looking to our left and right sides, to our front-lines and to our back-lines. And we just like a perfect freezed people in a rectangular formation. Luckily, I didn't have to do all the steps as I'm a singer during that night. Hihi. Then, we started performing. And this is my 2nd moment.
Hello everybody! Bla bla bla bla....
Go Malaysia go!! Hihi, me performing .
3rd one, was making a gateaway using bamboos. And ergh, a really tough night. We started at 10pm and finished at 3am without any rests. Everbody was busy making knots, cutting bamboos,holding a torchlight(this is also considered as helping :P) and with high cooperation, we managed to built it within a night. With all sweats and a 'pleasent' body smells (yucks, haha), we went to sleep just like that and still comfortable (except for all girls who rushed into the toilets, all of them! >.< ). Then two days later, wallaa! Malaysia gateaway was on Taiwan Daily Newspaper. And that had gave us a really high satisfication (Y).
My 4th moment was sleeping with a Nepalese scout. I mean staying in a tent during the whole jamboree with a Nepalese scout. His name is Bikesh Lakhe. A really nice guy. He gave us some traditional foods of his country and they taste so delicious. He also was a talktative person although, sometimes we didn't understand what he is saying, but at least we pretended like we do, well just to save his feeling :D Miss you dude.
Setting up the tent .
Some of the Taiwanese Scout Leaders giving explanation to him .
And my final moment was meeting up an Oldboy. His name is Dr Mukhyiddin (Class of '73) who was wearing a cap and he owns a clinic namely "Menara Clinic" in Kuala Lumpur if I'm not mistaken. He holds one of the highest posts in Asia-Pacific Regional Scouts Association. Glad to meet him.
Greeting him upon his arrival .
A group photo of Koleq Boys and Dr Mukhyiddin (Class of '73).
All participants of sub-camp 8
No no, there is one more which ended up like this.
I broke my spect >.<
So many sweet yet painful memories to be remembered. Hope you guys enjoyed reading. :D Thanks!