Sunday, December 18, 2011

Leadership And Bosship . Leadershit And Bosshit .

Bosship...Because you're either Boss or you're little people. In this world, people have been confused between these two most important aspects. For a negative view of Bosship, a Boss would tell their workers to do something without he/she involving in that particular work. Meaning that, they would never understand how their workers feel towards the works given. They only know how to influence people without influncing their workers' feeling. A good Boss can influence their workers' feeling so that the Boss can give any orders without being stabbed from the back. And the only way to do this, is by joining what the workers are doing, feeling what the workers are having, think and be compromise for what kind of job they have to do. That's a true Boss and Bosship.

How about Bosshit? These group of people are the one who like to give any orders without considering what their workers are feeling, having and doing. They only tell lower people what to do, but don't want to involve in any kinds of works and at the same time, they still want the 'power' to control others. Or should I say, "hunger for power". And that's a Boss who shit on ther lower people, Bosshit to be exact. "When there is Bosship, there will never a Leadership but you still can find the shit" and be just like this person.

We could find Anger as well as Selfish

A leader is the one who will be involved in anything their lower people are doing. A boss would only gives orders, but a leader, he/she will give any orders and put him/herself into the job. Compared to Bosship, it's so difficult to find a true leader. There is a such thing of not a good leader but it's a false Bosship that drives the leader to overtake him/herself. When a leader can't control him/herself from controlling others rights without any reasons, then that leader really deserved a title of Leadershit as well as Bosshit.

A Boss with Bosship would try to achieve success from
 one side (low situation) to the other side
(higher situation) with all 'connectors' that the boss have. Instead of going into a boat and go to the other side alone. And if a Boss do like that, he's a just a Boss with a Bosshit then.

A Leader will keep their lower people stick together, walk together with them and moves forward together, also with them. And that's a Leadership. If the leader walks on his/her own, leaving behind his/her people and going for his/her aim alone, that's a Leader with a Leadershit.  


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