Malaysia will become a fully developed country on year 2020. In order to achieve that status, Malaysians also have to be developed with advanced skills and excellent in educations. Without any knowledge, then why should we aim for the status? Knowledge is not only focused on academics instead there are many different aspects related to one's knowledge. And to make this possible, Minister of Education had came up with a really strategic system for schools. Many of them, but I just want to mention about SBP System in our country. This system had shown a great success but there is a small, really really small 'virus' that had infected this system and I gladly named it as 'Virus Among Students'. But before that, SBP students really put on high enthusiasm to their respective school and yes, it's a positive tradition. So, how can the virus suddenly appeared? Well, think. Some of the students are too overreacted with their schools and at the same time, these students don't really performed in their school, whether it's on academic or sports and this automatically turns out to be negative. But, for students who already performed in academic or sports or in any aspects and if they do overreacted with their schools, then who cares? And that's a positive way. What I'm trying to say here is, to be proud of something, we should be one of those who had 'created' the 'something'. No use if you proud of your school, but when it comes to examinations, you keep on failing over and over again, and no use too if you don't realise that failing is your weakness and you still wanted to overreact with your school names. I think this should be pointed to all students, not only from SBP. Erm, okay, ignore about the SBP, haha. And one more, about the interactions among SBP Students. Please, be friendly! Don't hold up your school title too tight that you don't want to talk with other SBP Students or maybe other students. 'Without followers, you're nothing' , and if you keep doing this then, how can we make friends and enjoy our life as SBP Students? For example, in a hall, if there are 5 SBPs , each of them wearing shirt of five different colors then why there are also 5 different gathering spots? Why not all of us be friendly to one another? So, a 'rainbow' of peace will appear when all the colors mixed. Haha what the hell I'm talking about. Hope you guys understand. Being a scout really teaches me why we have to be friendly. Unity and friendship are two main aspects in scouts, sorry and peace, so there are 3 of them. See the pics below, although they are chimps but we know which one is better.

Be like this chimp, be Professional
Don't be like this chimp, Desperate + Jealousy
Thanks for reading. Think again. :D
hye shak :)
ReplyDeleteaku setuju dgn opinion kau nih.
SBP students should really mix up ya know.
And therefore, schools' administrative should do events that could gather these students, i dontkonow, much like HKSBP but this one event, ALL stduents are involved, despite whether they are in the basketball team or yadayada, you know.. kan?
ahaha just saying
hihi, hye!
ReplyDeleteyeah, ape gune hidung tinggi je, tk untung pn. haha, btw thanks 4 commenting.